To be honest, Im not entirely sure what to suggest or even if the idea you mentioned will work without risking collapse of the chimney. The huge pile of dirt you see in the pictures below was moved there with 5 gallon buckets. It really wasnt that difficult and this could have been done even if I left the existing stairs in place (though I would still have had the problem with low clearance when entering the basement). i guess this never happened? , Hi Surfer, what did you use to treat/seal the basement walls which is stone before moving on with the insulation and drywall? Finding your site gives me the confidence to get going. I am thinking of getting in an engineer. If the stone foundation is solid and the blocks were just to dress it up a bit, then there is no structural issue (IMO). The current ceiling rafters are all 16" on center. We plan on cutting it out piece by piece, anything that's above the basement floor--but then we are left with a giant hole in our basement. This is what is undoubtedly happening in your home. Another tip: If you currently have a dirt floor, lay down at least 2 inches (more would be better) of gravel before you pour the concrete floor. You might consider contacting a few foundation repair outfits, asking them to come out to give you a quote for making your basement "right." Every house is differentand every familys needs are differentbut many of the lessons Nick and Sarah learned from living in and remodeling a 1920s house can apply to those living in a house of any age. If theres a significant amount of basement wall damage, reinforcement is one way to tackle issues like moisture, pressure, and weathering. Any ideas? I just started looking through yours I look forward to exploring. Hey Chuck! home improvement and repair website. Great job! The basement of my two-family house started with a dirt floor and approximately 6 of clearance from the dirt to the first floor rafters. Why are these and what can I do about the wet one? We've been pretty busy room by room in this old 3- story 2.436 sq ft house. Do you know if this is common practice? Our kitchen was a wreck! It is best to stick with what works. The loss of my properties and the subsequent bankruptcy in 2009 were catalysts for the huge life transition that followed. Whats the process for underpinning an old (solid) farmhouse chimney leaning away from the house???? I did some Google searching, and I think the book he got it from was probably Principles of Home Inspection: Structure, though I could be wrong. We take out the crumbling rotting mortar and put new in. New owner plans basement bar called Prohibition to pay homage to the speakeasy legend. This spring, I removed the bottom 2 feet of dry wall around the perimeter . Use the Contact page to send me an email with the link. Jack up the portion of the house that is sinking and place new footers. or mroe specifically can I determine that prior to digging? Fill the holes, then use the trowel to scrape the cement and flatten it out so that it runs flush with the wall. Wow, thats wonderful. I finished our basement (1947 home). But the job has to be done carefully and in a sequence, such that the stability of the stone foundation wall(s) behind it isn't compromised. This should involve mixing it with water until it's the consistency of . Thanks again, Feel free to leave a comment here with any questions and Ill do my best to answer! I figure that Ill end up with a 20 wide stairway on the last 4 steps into the basement. The house is small, so losing that extra living space has made it feel even tighter. sorry to hear about the financial difficulty in the mortgage crisis. "Hey, if it costs $299.99 a bucket its gotta be good! Don't be afraid to pick modern pieces for your historic home. Whether you love Jazz Age decor, historic homes, or just learning how people lived 100 years ago, weve got you covered. If the cause is roof runoff, repair and maintain your drainage system. I had thought of the conveyor option, but realized that it would be an additional cost for a project that was already taking longer, and costing more, than I had anticipated. For example, our kitchen addition has bigger windows and more volume than would typically be seen in a house this age. View our Privacy Policy here. I also enjoyed the workout! Look at a sealer called IONBONDit claims to resist hydrostatic pressure. . It was electric and mixed 2 3 bags at once. Below, Nick shares some of the most important things he and Sarah learned about living in a house built in the 1920s. I decided that I would pour 6" thick concrete forms below the foundation to hold back any dirt from falling out from underneath the foundation. This was one of the reasons I documented the process as much as I could. A simple DIY test will help you to find out. I have one in my basement perfectly preserved. Yet, hey, you learned a lot and you passed that knowledge on to others who are very grateful of your work. Im glad you enjoyed my post. NickandSarah Waldman are familiar with many of the facets of living in a 1920s house. What to Do: Nothing. If you pour the concrete right onto the dirt floor, the dirt will suck all the water out of the concrete and wont give you time to properly cure (level) the concrete before it dries. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I later realized that I should have done a lot more research before attempting something like that. You probably want your daughter to move out well before she is named editor of The New Yorker. thanks for all of your info you have posted, Thanks, Jon! WOW RAAMY!!! Im glad that you found this post useful! We know mold is a terrible problem to have, and that's the last thing we want. Each tile weighs just 1 pound and covers a single square foot. Doing it this way you dont have to worry about shrinking & grout. Perhaps supplemented by a decorative gas stove or fireplace. . Our goal is to live in our new house this summer- fingers crossed. He came in, assessed what had to be done, gave us a more than fair price and got to work. I hope all goes well with your new home. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Thanks! All of their responses have been edited for length and clarity. This will be the only good way to get a decent long lasting floor. My father built our house all by himself. Blower Motor in air handler not coming on for heat pump, Improving water line connection to refrigerator. Installing ENERGY STAR certified windows, doors, and skylights can reduce your energy bill by an average of 12%. Impressive! First, old stairs are truly built to last, and the parts you can find at big boxes and normal lumber yards are not the old growth pine old homes are blessed with. I live in a cramped old New England Seaport home where space is hard to come by so we are turning to the basement as a last resort. Its hard to say without seeing it in person. I remember mixing countless bags of cement by hand, and finding as many rocks as I could find to out in the footings. sounds like a stupid question, but i read on a professional website that when they under pin they leave a gap and when the new footer dries they pack the gap with something (not sure with what, i forget). This project actually started in 2004, however the majority of the work was done in 2005. Thanks Joe and Keith. When your wall is made from concrete blocks or if you have cracks that exceed 1/2-inches in width, fill them with an epoxy mixed with sand. I will have completed underpinning my foundation and digging out my basement within a couple of weeks. Almost every home built in the 1920s has a story about the neighborhood back then, the families who have lived in it over the years, even the town politics a hundred years ago. I actually had three water heaters sitting next to my chimney, so instead of trying to move them, I just left a 4 section around my chimney untouched and built concrete forms around it. Replacing broken pieces and uneven sections. Glad to hear I am not alone in my old basement woes! Ironically, I called my town and the women on phone said there was no code requirements and I could do what I want in all aspects. It will react with the high lime content and help densify, neutralize, and strengthen it. Basement walls cracked, leaning or bowed. The house was built in 1913 has concrete walls and they only did the basement in half of the house with 4 to 5 foundation walls on the crawl space side. The house didnt settle at all after I did the basement work it settled many years ago shortly after the house was built. I am having someone dig out my basement right now, finish it and put in a new bathorro with shower. Thank you In our case, the kitchen was in the dining room and completely non-functional, so we chose to add an addition that housed just the kitchen and keep just the dining in the room where the kitchen used to be. Theres nothing necessarily bad about old pipes if theyre in working order but its important to survey the existing plumbing before buying. I have a call in to a mason and plan on contacting at least one more company for advice. Made me realize I could tackle huge jobs myself, like replacing a ridge beam in the house, and cutting a huge wall in the back of the house to move in a one-piece shower enclosure. did you have any experience with concrete work before? And building code at that time did require the builder (no idea who that was) to install full insulation on all outside basement walls of the home. My Dad was an remarkable man, and you remind me of him. The point of leaving the 2 or even 3 space between the new wall, and the old foundation is to allow for air circulation of the moist air. Thanks for the correctionand fascinating that youre distantly related to the guy to invented them! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Note: There are more pages to this post. The dishwasher was in a closet (bizarre) and the range and counters were installed higher than the two windows (also bizarre). Best for: Avid DIYers on tight budgets. Usually, the most cost-effective way is to leave the foundation alone and jack the framed part up to its original position. The small door was situated on the outside of the house and was used by the milkman, to pick up empty bottles and leave fresh ones. We had some unfortunate major water seepage into the basement about a year ago due to some drainage issues outside from a neighbors roof. Main reason I ask is that my ceiling height is ~ 7FT, and it will be much quicker/easier if I do not need cut down 8' studs by being to able go slighter higher into the 'ceiling'. Repeat this process on all the holes in your walls. Based off your experience does this sound like something that can be renovated? I am going to look for a contractor who is, as courageous as you, to do it. I just knew I wanted a record of the progress so I could look back and see where it all began! Even a little moisture might be enough to allow things to start growing. A 100-year-old house will most likely have old windows. especially if you were doing 5 lengths! Pic posted below. Please let me know if you need further clarification or if you have any more questions! Apologies for the late reply here. Nothing but Respect for ya! No more than a 1/2-inch thick. I see that you used one as well. Glad to hear Ive inspired you. There was only one 8 foot section of the foundation that he was suspicious about and thatt where he recommended I use rebar and extra concrete. Here are nine project ideas that will make your basement livable on a budget: Focus on the ceiling, floor and walls. It was an excellent way to build my forearms! The problem with traditional bitumen foundation coatings is they have a limited life expectancy. I may bother you with a few questions in the future if thats ok. I have been down there cleaning and the basement is dry. In this case, thats concrete. I wanted to see if that method would work for me. Im surprised there arent more blogs out there with people detailing their home project adventures like ourselves. Btw, do any of you know if there is anywhere in the NYC area that seels minveyors that we can set up to take the dirt directly to the dumpster? So preserving those original details on houses that still have them is important. Unfortunately budget tracking was one thing I did not do, so I have no idea how much I spent on any of it. I hope this helps and good luck on your project! The Handmade Home. A house built on an unstable foundation can have a number of serious problems, including cracks in drywall, sticking and poorly operating doors and windows, sloping floors, water intrusion, and moisture damage such as wood rot and mold. Homes built in the 1920s were often small and cozy. Currently, I am in the process of trying to waterproof the foundation and basement. Raam, I am planning on doing something very similar in my basement. Cape Light Compact here in Massachusetts helped us insulate our basement at huge cost savings. The major parts of the basement are finished, but building the rest of the walls, finishing the ceiling, and finishing the floor have yet to be completed. I lined it with steel and put a tight cap on it. People like you proves the idea that everything is possible, if you put your mind into it. But after many years, they sold this house to move in with Sarahs parents housein West Tisbury (another town on Marthas Vineyard) temporarily. Even 60 years ago, the use of electronic equipment was significantly lower than it is now. I would love to dig out the basement and make it habitable to ensure that my recent investment does not get ruined in the next few years. However, today I am more interested in giving you a pat on the back and a vote of confidence going forward. It will give you an idea of how things progressed. i was in thailand backpacking a couple of years ago and what i came home with was a profound sense of peace. If you have any questions at all, please dont hesitate to ask. It is five times stronger than steel. AMAZING article I just purchased a 100 year old house in CT and the basement looks like a cave! It was a scary job, Ill tell you that. The world and America have been built by people like you. Hydraulic cement contains additives that will cause it to expand and set at a faster pace than average cement. Materials like drywall dont have a place in basement wall repair or reinforcement. I worked in 5 sections at a time, digging down about 2 below the foundation and then pouring a form that was approximately 6-8 thick. The mortar is "sacrificial," intended to need care. Its got a long way to go I would love to send you some pictures (if you still check this blog), youll get a good laugh from them :), Thanks Matt! Ive been getting alot of different prices and opinions which leaves me very confused. THIS WAS REALLY HELPFUL, AND REMINDS ME THAT A GO TO ATTITUDE CAN SAVE YOU SOME HARD EARNED MONEY IF YOUR WILLING TO SWEAT. You should hire a professional mason to dig around the exterior of your foundation and coat the exterior surface with a waterproofing material. Hello - If you are experiencing unusual amounts of moisture, the causes . The old place survived a direct hit from hurricane Irene (3 days after the closing) and I am trying to make small improvements as the weeks go on. Cabling uses a plumbing snake and cables to manually clear clogged pipes. Beautiful pictures document your determination, skills, pride and beautiful results. Similar to the structure and electrical systems, most homes from the 1920s have outdated plumbing and HVAC systemsin fact, in 1920,only 1 percent of American homeshad both electricity and indoor plumbing. We have a similar issue in our 1950 Cape that we've been trying to determine how to tackle. A single wall will cost about $1,000 to $2,900. If mold is present, have the mold remediated professionally. I recommend contacting a structural engineer and getting some advice that way. We would like to solve this problem from the inside- Digging on the exterior is out of the question cost-wise. I plan on addressing that at the same time. I finally got some cash and motivation to start my basement project. Place the sump pump there. If you live in a small town and youre not planning on selling your house anytime soon, you might consider taking the risk of doing the work without pulling permits. Your renovation interesting to read about. I could only physically push a maximum of 12 bags on the cart at Home Depotanything more than that and the cart wouldnt budge no matter how hard I pushed. Dear Raam, I am researching excavating my basement to make it a studio for my mom. Im not sure if its common practice. Did you have a portable cement mixer or did you have to mix all the cement by hand? October 12th, 2004 - The Work Begins. You can get a sneak peak at it on my Instagram,@sarah.waldman and Nicks,@nickwaldmanstudio.. 5. What basement repair professionals and homeowners whove gone through similar trouble can agree on is to address the problem quickly. Bill. My question is it a requirement for footing to be install before that exit/entrance wall was poured with concrete..or the exit /entrance/bulkhead wall built without footing, Im glad youre enjoying the discussion! By Annie Thornton. just what I was looking for. Great job on your basement. Most of my underpin is 5ft deep & 6ft in some places.IE I am 5ft under the footing. I now have a method to look uppargeing. 100+ yr old home. . We welcome your comments and Thanks! However he did manage to come up with three separate papers with different ideas on how to go about it. Happy to say that we had success underpinning our chimney in three stages. Unfortunately, I had to sell the house and I wasnt able to really finish the project. We dug a trench along the inside foundation, then in four foot increments undermined the foundation, poured forms, and built up a block wall about 3 tall. Raam, When it was completely dry the house was lowered down onto the brick walls. I was curious as to hwo this was done. The pictures on this page show how short the old stairs were and the next page shows how far back I dug into the ground to make room for the new stairs. Some of the best architectural projects in my opinion are surprising in this way: The exterior may look like a traditional 1920s cottage but the interior is updated, open, bright, and comfortable, like ours. Elizabeth and Brian entrusted their contractor to match the old flooring with the newa tricky task. The type of energy (physical and mental), discipline and entrepreneurial efforts that you showed by trying to turn a two family home into a good long term investment are indicators to me that you have what it takes to pick yourself up off the floor and ready yourself for another challenge in life. The original framing could be compromisedits worth bringing a contractor in to walk the house and crawl in all the spaces you dont want to crawl into. One thing that slowed me down was the fact that I had a bunch of stuff in the basement that needed to be moved out. Asbestos occurs in six mineral types, and all have fibers that are harmful to lung tissue, getting embedded in lung tissue and causing inflammation, scarring, and eventually tumors. Ask a trusted electrician to check out the property and walk you through what updates would look like before purchasing. . Basements are predominantly made from concrete is for many reasons, none more important than moisture. It is just the pargeing falling off. Basements, Attics and Crawl Spaces - 100+ Year Old Basement Walls Crumbling - A friend told me the problems with my basement walls were cosmetic not structural but I would like some other opinions to make sure. There are a lot of things that could go wrong while doing something like this. As long a he cooks the meals, Im going to attack it like a workout. The cement floor was poured but one truck load of dirt remained which they disposed of in this way. I once had it printed out but now cant find it. thanks for your fast response. This method dates back thousands of years, and was used in the earliest pyramids of Mexico, Central America and South America. I had a small shed in my back yard (about 8'x5'), however it was already full of stuff. I remember using the plumb to find the exact spot to place the Lally columns. The remedies to fix old basement walls will vary. . If you dig down though, you have to be careful no to go below the level of the existing footings or bottom course of the limestone if there are no footings. submitted to our " Community Forums". The crawl space you made sounds familiar to what I had to do with the 4 foot sections of foundation, but luckily you had a small dozer for most of the dirt carrying out dirt two 5-gallon buckets at a time was definitely grueling work (though it helped build huge forearms!). That was certainly the case with the mortar joints in the basement of the sp1885 row house I share with my wife and restoration partner, Wendy. But anyway thanks for the input. Never the less, the average size was about 6 wide by 3 tall and 5 deep. The trench between the two walls is covered (with flagstone/slate) so rainwater and debris do not collect in it. The mortar between your bricks is showing excessive deterioration, and water is entering your basement. willow apartments burlington, nj, laguna beach low tide today, tripadvisor romethings to do, Coatings is they have a call in to a mason and plan on addressing that at the time... Seepage into the basement of my two-family house started with a 20 wide stairway on the exterior surface with 20... A 100 year old house in CT and the basement about a year ago due to some drainage issues from... I removed the bottom 2 feet of dry wall around the perimeter come up with three separate papers with ideas. 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