how to remove chlorine from hair home remedies

.post-random .newPost .posttitle{width:100%;position:relative;padding:5px 0 2px} .shmal li:first-of-type {margin-right: 0;} WebFinding the right shampoo can be an exhausting process. This can lead to corneal ulcers and can permanently @media screen and (max-width:640px){ .comment-form{min-height: 205px;padding:20px;border:1px dashed #cdcdcd} @media screen and (max-width:360px){ leads to dry, itchy, and irritated skin, which can also damage your hair rinse the suit after use and wash it regularly, letting it air dry. Leave it on the scalp and hair overnight at least 12 hours. Source: .sides{width:100%;float:none;margin:0!important} #shreeta5bar .headline .title:before {content: "";position: absolute;left: 17px;top: 7px;width: 20px;height: 20px;background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' data-prefix='fal' data-icon='newspaper' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 576 512'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M552 64H88c-13.234 0-24 10.767-24 24v8H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v280c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h504c13.233 0 24-10.767 24-24V88c0-13.233-10.767-24-24-24zM32 400V128h32v272c0 8.822-7.178 16-16 16s-16-7.178-16-16zm512 16H93.258A47.897 47.897 0 0 0 96 400V96h448v320zm-404-96h168c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V140c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H140c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v168c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm20-160h128v128H160V160zm-32 212v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h168c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm224 0v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0-64v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0-128v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0 64v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") center no-repeat;display: block;} WebRinsing hair in clean tap water prior to entering the pool is the first and easiest step to building a protective hair care routine for swimmers. /* iteam post */ .post-body a[imageanchor]{margin:0 auto!important} .comment-replybox-single{padding-right:40px;display:block;clear:both;overflow:hidden} .Sp-posts4 .rnav-title a:hover , .yemen a[title="SeoPlus Template"] {display: inline-block !important;} aside .LinkList ul li:first-of-type a::before,footer .LinkList ul li:first-of-type a::before,aside .PageList ul li:first-of-type a::before,footer .PageList ul li:first-of-type a::before{top:5px} WebMakeup. #shreeta5bar .headline .title:before{display:none} WebMakeup. .shareButton a:nth-of-type(4){margin-right:0} .fa-pinterest {background: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 384 512' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M204 6.5C101.4 6.5 0 74.9 0 185.6 0 256 39.6 296 63.6 296c9.9 0 15.6-27.6 15.6-35.4 0-9.3-23.7-29.1-23.7-67.8 0-80.4 61.2-137.4 140.4-137.4 68.1 0 118.5 38.7 118.5 109.8 0 53.1-21.3 152.7-90.3 152.7-24.9 0-46.2-18-46.2-43.8 0-37.8 26.4-74.4 26.4-113.4 0-66.2-93.9-54.2-93.9 25.8 0 16.8 2.1 35.4 9.6 50.7-13.8 59.4-42 147.9-42 209.1 0 18.9 2.7 37.5 4.5 56.4 3.4 3.8 1.7 3.4 6.9 1.5 50.4-69 48.6-82.5 71.4-172.8 12.3 23.4 44.1 36 69.3 36 106.2 0 153.9-103.5 153.9-196.8C384 71.3 298.2 6.5 204 6.5z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg %3E") no-repeat center ;} footer a[title='linkedin'], aside a[title='linkedin'], .mop-icon a[title='linkedin'] {background-color:#0976b4} @media screen and (max-width:860px){ mix some vitamin C crystals with your body wash or shampoo to create your own .recent-comments .comment .leave-comm:before{width:8px;height:8px;content:"";position:absolute;left:2px;top:2px;color:#000;padding:5px;display:block;transition:0.2s ease-out} nav.nav-par li , .mop-pages,.mop-links{margin-bottom:15px} developers: .Sp-posts1 .posts,.post .Sp-posts1 .posts{width:calc((100% - 15px) / 2);margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-bottom:15px!important} .mop-links #menu{overflow:hidden;clear:both;height:inherit;width:inherit;display:block} .post-random .newPost{float:none;width:100%;margin-bottom:0} /* } .Sp-slide .posts:nth-of-type(1){height:300px;left:0;width:100%;float:none;padding:0;margin-bottom:15px} */ Jason, a company known for its use of natural ingredients, offers an all-natural swimmers shampoo and conditioner that do not contain sodium laureth sulfate. a.Lapel-Link{background:#a736af;color:#ffffff;float:right;padding:6px 20px 6px;font-size:13px;border-radius:30px;z-index:999999;position:relative} .Sp-posts2 .items , ===================*/ h3.rnav-title a{color:#4b4b4b;line-height:1.3em} .search-wrap{width:90%;height:100%;display:table;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;padding:0 20px;position:relative} .post-outer .items{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;font-size:11px;color:#7a7a7a} .mop-pages ul,.mop-links ul{padding-left:30px} Chlorine sucks the natural oils from your hair and skin, leaving them dry, rough, and damaged. Your hair needs some of its natural oil to remain smooth and healthy, and chlorine removes those oils. Chlorine can also cause chemical reactions in your hair, changing the natural color of your hair, weakening each hair strand, and causing split ends. .atags a{font-size:13px;background:#a736af;color:#ffffff;padding:3px 15px;border-radius:1px;margin:0 5px 0 0;display:inline-block} .mop-links ul::before{display:none!important} cap completes a good prevention regimen. .post-body{font:400 14px 'Tajawal';line-height:24px;overflow:hidden;color:#000000} nav.nav-par{display:inline-block!important} Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for many skin conditions because of its antimicrobial properties. .shareButton a{width:calc((100% - 20px) / 3)} .run{cursor:progress} Redness in the eyes occurs when the blood vessels near the footer a[title='instagram'], aside a[title='instagram'], .mop-icon a[title='instagram'] {background-color:#7c38af;background:radial-gradient(circle at 0 130%, #fdf497 0%, #fdf497 5%, #fd5949 45%,#d6249f 60%,#285AEB 90%)} iframe#comment-editor{border-top:1px dashed #cdcdcd;border-bottom:1px dashed #cdcdcd;margin-top:20px;box-sizing:content-box} .comment-replies li.comment{border:0;padding-bottom:2px;box-shadow:none;padding:0;margin-top:25px!important} .headbost svg{ margin-top: -4px;width:14px!important;height:14px!important;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:middle} div#ArchiveList ul.flat li:not(:last-of-type) {margin-bottom: 5px;padding-bottom: 5px;} Try Argan oil Argan oil is packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can repair and protect damaged hair. .cookie-choices-info .cookie-choices-buttons{display:block!important} .date-header , display: block; Water gets stuck between your contact lens and cornea, which nav.nav-par ul li a{color:#000000;position:relative;font:400 14px 'Tajawal';display:block;padding:10px 0 10px} ul { to infections. .Sp-posts5 .posts:nth-last-of-type(1){width:100%} .mop-links .pluselink span.icon,.mop-links .pluselink2 span.icon{top: 8px !important;transform:none!important} Once the 3-5 minutes is up, wash the cleanser out of your hair. measures to protect your hair. .comments .comments-content .inline-thread{padding:0!important} .search-field{text-align:center;-webkit-appearance:none;padding:10px;border:none!important;background:transparent;width:100%;border-bottom:2px dashed #9e9e9e!important;font-size:30px;font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;color:#fff} .fa-telegram {background: no-repeat center url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 448 512' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M446.7 98.6l-67.6 318.8c-5.1 22.5-18.4 28.1-37.3 17.5l-103-75.9-49.7 47.8c-5.5 5.5-10.1 10.1-20.7 10.1l7.4-104.9 190.9-172.5c8.3-7.4-1.8-11.5-12.9-4.1L117.8 284 16.2 252.2c-22.1-6.9-22.5-22.1 4.6-32.7L418.2 66.4c18.4-6.9 34.5 4.1 28.5 32.2z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");} .texxattt{display:inline-block;color:#ffffff;font-size:10px;background:#a736af;padding:2px 5px;border-radius:2px;margin-bottom:3px} .recent-comments .comment .comm-author{text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;font-size:12px;font-weight:700;float:left;height:21px;margin-right:10px;overflow:hidden} .fa-youtube {background: no-repeat center url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 576 512' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M549.655 124.083c-6.281-23.65-24.787-42.276-48.284-48.597C458.781 64 288 64 288 64S117.22 64 74.629 75.486c-23.497 6.322-42.003 24.947-48.284 48.597-11.412 42.867-11.412 132.305-11.412 132.305s0 89.438 11.412 132.305c6.281 23.65 24.787 41.5 48.284 47.821C117.22 448 288 448 288 448s170.78 0 213.371-11.486c23.497-6.321 42.003-24.171 48.284-47.821 11.412-42.867 11.412-132.305 11.412-132.305s0-89.438-11.412-132.305zm-317.51 213.508V175.185l142.739 81.205-142.739 81.201z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");} .closebtn svg{transform: rotate(180deg);width:1.3em;height:1.3em;margin-top:12px} .post-body h3{background:#efefef;font:400 19px 'Tajawal';border-bottom:1px solid #d9d9d9;color:#000000} max-height: 4em; } display: flex; text-align: center; Aspirin Crush up eight Aspirin, then combine with water to dissolve fully. .posttitle:hover, .comment-replies li.comment:first-of-type{margin-top:20px!important} color:#fff;padding:7px 15px 7px 15px;border-radius:2px} .search-submit{background:#eee;border:1px solid #ccc;width:45px;height:45px;border-radius:50%;border:1px solid #ccc!important} .logo{float:left;display:block;position:relative}{height:72px;opacity:0.8} header#sp-header,.head-pz{height:72px!important},li.ma2.pluselink2{position:relative} .Sp-Normal span.category,.post-outer span.category{display:none!important} .comments-img-wrap{border:3px solid #eeeeee} suit, then hang it to dry. background:#a736af; min-height: 32px; .atags{display:block;margin:0 0 5px} input.follow-by-email-address{display:block;width:100%;height:40px;margin:15px 0;border-radius:3px;border:1px solid #efefef;text-align:center} Using lemon juice (soak #siki_prev span:nth-child(1){float:right;font-size:15px;line-height:35px;padding:0 10px 0 30px;position:relative} .thumb img{object-fit: cover;display:block;width:100%;height:100%} margin-top: 1px; /* author profile */ .post-random .newPost:not(:first-of-type) .texxattt{display:none!important} .post-outer .thumb,.Sp-Normal .thumb{width:280px} .mop-links li.ma2.pluselink2 span.icon {top: 8px !important;} .TocList{margin-bottom:5px} 5 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Green Swimmers Hair; Why Hair Turns Green In The Pool And 9 Ways To Fix It! 7. .status-msg-body , .Sp-Normal .moreLink,.post-outer .moreLink{ .search{right:3%} .open.nav1{left:3%!important} *,:before,:after{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box} These chemicals are often used in treating water and can be more dangerous than chlorine alone. footer a[title='reddit'], aside a[title='reddit'], .mop-icon a[title='reddit'] {background: #ff6933;} = Aside & footer .PLHolder img {opacity: 0;} .post-random .texxattt{font-size:13px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding:3px 10px;transform:skew(0);margin-left:-11px;border-radius:0} .shareButton a:first-of-type{margin-right:0} footer a[title='blogger'], aside a[title='blogger'], .mop-icon a[title='blogger'] {background-color:#e96734} .widget .list-label-widget-content ul{padding-left:20px} - body {font-family: 'Verdana';} .recent-comments .comment:last-child{margin-bottom:0;border-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0} span.label-count{float:right;color:#585858;text-align:center} } Natural Ways to Remove Chlorine from Hair Dry Scalp; Green hair from pool recipes Pinterest; .par-bottm #header-inner{width:auto;height:50px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;display:block} .Sp-posts5 .posts:nth-last-of-type(1),.Sp-posts5 .posts:nth-last-of-type(2){margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0;border-bottom:0} .mop-pages ul li a,.mop-links ul li a{color:#131313;display:block;padding-bottom:7px;margin-bottom:7px;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;font-size:13px} .commint-cont,.atags .blog-admin{float:none} .recent-comments .comment{margin-bottom:15px;padding-bottom:15px;overflow:hidden} chemicals from your eyelashes and eyelids. Tea tree oil. Adding a few tablespoons full of vinegar to your wash will help neutralize chlorine, eliminate the smell, and even stop discoloration. People can purchase coconut oil in many health food stores and online. .post .Sp-posts1 .posts{padding:10px;border:1px solid #eee;margin-right:15px!important;width:calc((100% - 30px) / 3);margin-bottom:15px} bathing suits are?). footer .headline{background:transparent;border-bottom:1px solid #eee} .post-random .newPost .posttitle:before{content:"*";vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-4px;color:#a736af;margin-right:3px} also traps the parasite. a.thumb.not-pl:hover:after{opacity:0.9!important} span.category a:not(:first-of-type), {display: block;overflow: hidden;vertical-align: middle;} .Sp-3colList .Short_content, bleach containing chlorine; font-size: 13px; .hiden , Once mixed, apply the combination to the hair and put on a plastic cap or shower cap for 45 minutes. .r-r,#sidepar-wid{position: static !important;float:none;width:100%!important;margin:0} There are a few different ways that this can be done, depending on the severity of the staining. .post-outer{display:block;overflow:hidden;padding-bottom:20px;border-bottom:1px solid #eeeeee;margin-bottom:20px;position:relative} ===================*/ .mop-pages ul li,.mop-links ul li{margin-right: 0!important;list-style:circle;font-size:13px} There are a few different ways that this can be done, depending on the severity of the staining. .cookie-choices-info{opacity: 0.9;z-index:999999999999999999!important;position:fixed!important;top:auto!important;bottom:5px!important;padding:0!important;right:5px!important;width:300px!important;text-align:center!important;font:400 15px 'Segoe UI'!important;border-radius:3px;box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(32,33,36,0.1)} .r-r{vertical-align:top} 2. div#main { a#commnetLinkS{font-size:13px;cursor:pointer;font-weight:bold;color:#c9009d} div#ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message img{vertical-align:middle;margin-left:3px} aside .LinkList ul li:last-of-type a,footer .LinkList ul li:last-of-type a,aside .PageList ul li:last-of-type a,footer .PageList ul li:last-of-type a{padding-bottom:0;border-bottom:0} .post .Sp-posts1 .posts:nth-last-of-type(1),.post .Sp-posts1 .posts:nth-last-of-type(2),.post .Sp-posts1 .posts:nth-last-of-type(3){margin-bottom:0!important} It frequently goes unnoticed because there are no obvious symptoms. .atags .blog-admin{float:right;vertical-align:top;overflow:hidden;margin-top:0!important} .headline .title{display:inline-block;padding:6px 20px 6px;background:#a736af;color:#ffffff;font-size:13px;font-weight:normal;border-radius:30px;z-index:999999;position:relative} .post-random { Braid Your Hair. table {max-width: 100%;} .Lapel-Link:hover{padding:8px 20px 6px 35px} li.ma2.pluselink2:hover ul.ma2ul{transform:translateX(0);opacity:1;visibility:visible} 7. Home Remedies and All Types of Practical Medicine. .widget.Label .cloud-label-widget-content span.label-size a.label-name{padding:10px 10px;display:block;border-radius:30px;text-align:center;font-size:13px;color:#565656;border:1px solid #e6e6e6;background:#f7f7f7} .post-outer .items a,.post-outer .items span{font-size:12px;display:inline-block;color:#7a7a7a;margin-left:3px} div#ArchiveList ul.hierarchy ul.hierarchy ul.hierarchy li:first-of-type{margin-top:5px;padding-top:5px} WebFinding the right shampoo can be an exhausting process. Some people may be allergic to potatoes and people with sensitive skin should avoid using lemon juice as it may cause skin irritation. Alternatively, fill a sink with 1:1 parts of water and vinegar. hair and then rinse it out. .shareButton a{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;min-width:auto;margin:0 5px 5px 0;padding:0;width:calc((100% - 46px) / 6);position:relative;cursor:pointer;border-radius:3px} .fa-google-play {background: no-repeat center url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M325.3 234.3L104.6 13l280.8 161.2-60.1 60.1zM47 0C34 6.8 25.3 19.2 25.3 35.3v441.3c0 16.1 8.7 28.5 21.7 35.3l256.6-256L47 0zm425.2 225.6l-58.9-34.1-65.7 64.5 65.7 64.5 60.1-34.1c18-14.3 18-46.5-1.2-60.8zM104.6 499l280.8-161.2-60.1-60.1L104.6 499z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");} /* ========= #siki_prev span:nth-child(1):before{transform: rotate(180deg);display:block;width:1.5em;height:1.5em;content:"";top:7px;left:4px;background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' version='1.1' viewBox='0 0 129 129' enable-background='new 0 0 129 129'%3E%3Cg%3E%3Cg%3E%3Cpath d='M64.5,122.6c32,0,58.1-26,58.1-58.1S96.5,6.4,64.5,6.4S6.4,32.5,6.4,64.5S32.5,122.6,64.5,122.6z M64.5,14.6 c27.5,0,49.9,22.4,49.9,49.9S92,114.4,64.5,114.4S14.6,92,14.6,64.5S37,14.6,64.5,14.6z' fill='%23264079'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpath d='m51.1,93.5c0.8,0.8 1.8,1.2 2.9,1.2 1,0 2.1-0.4 2.9-1.2l26.4-26.4c0.8-0.8 1.2-1.8 1.2-2.9 0-1.1-0.4-2.1-1.2-2.9l-26.4-26.4c-1.6-1.6-4.2-1.6-5.8,0-1.6,1.6-1.6,4.2 0,5.8l23.5,23.5-23.5,23.5c-1.6,1.6-1.6,4.2 0,5.8z' fill='%23264079'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");position:absolute} .dshdsgn{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;min-height:80px;text-align:center} } .post-meta a{color:#5d5d5d} Wetting your hair prevents some of If youre struggling with finding the right shampoo for your needs, heres a quick guide to find the best one for your hair type: Best Shampoo for Oily Hair An oily scalp can make your hair look greasy even after just a .border3{position:absolute;top:-20px;left:-20px;right:-20px;width:250px;height:250px;border:20px solid transparent;border-radius:50%;border-bottom-color:#a736af} Soak the comb in a 10 percent bleach solution or 2 percent Lysol solution for 30 minutes, and then rinse it very well. margin-right: 5px; .PopularPosts a:hover , #comments .small-icon{color:#a434ad;width:20px;height:20px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin-top:4px} .Sp-posts2 .posts{width:100%;margin-left:0!important} It is also proven to have powerful antimicrobial and anti aside .LinkList ul li a:hover::before,footer .LinkList ul li a:hover::before,aside .PageList ul li a:hover::before,footer .PageList ul li a:hover::before{background:#a736af} .post-body ol{padding-left:5px} .topic-nav-cont .newPost, .topic-nav-cont .oldPost {float: none;width: 100%;} .Sp-Normal .thumb{width:300px;height:180px} chlorine. water with just a teaspoon of sodium ascorbate or vitamin C crystals. .blocker{display:block;overflow:hidden;margin-top:15px} #sidepar-wid { .mop-links .ma2.pluselink2 ul.ma2ul{transform:none!important;opacity:1!important;visibility:visible!important;position:relative!important;box-shadow:none!important;top:0!important;left:auto!important;width:auto!important;border:none!important;padding-left:10px!important} .ccontenr{height:250px;width:250px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:100%;border:20px solid #f8f8f8;position:relative;border-bottom-color:transparent} .noMorePosts svg.icon-load{width:19px;height:19px;bottom:8px;right:9px} .floar{color:#ffffff;width:77%;float:right;display:block;clear:both;position:relative;font-size:13px;padding:0 0 0 15px} Let it soak for several minutes and rinse completely. body{background:#f7f7f7 url() no-repeat fixed top right;background-size: cover;} Source: .shareButton .pinterest span{background-color:#cc2127} nav.nav-par ul li a:hover, WebThe acidic vinegar can prevent copper from saturating your hair strands and causing discolouration. .post-outer .posts-titles{height:inherit;clear:both;font-size:16px;overflow:hidden} Dandruff Treatment At Home: . .contpotg, .spconten { damage your vision. .post-body h2{background:#efefef;font:400 21px 'Tajawal';padding:14px 20px 14px 13px;border-bottom:1px solid #d9d9d9;color:#000000} .mop-links .pluselink2:hover span.icon{right:0!important} svg{margin:5px 0 0 0!important;vertical-align:-1px} footer{padding:15px} footer a[title='wordpress'], aside a[title='wordpress'], .mop-icon a[title='wordpress'] {background-color:#207297} .comment-replybox-thread #comment-editor{display:none!important} .fa-twitter, .twitter .topaa:before{background:no-repeat center url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' data-prefix='fab' data-icon='twitter' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512' class='svg-inline--fa fa-twitter fa-w-16'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E")} .shareButton .facebook span{background-color:#3b5998} substance on the eyelids and can be caused by bacteria or viral contamination. .fa-behance {background: no-repeat center url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg aria-hidden='true' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 576 512' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M232 237.2c31.8-15.2 48.4-38.2 48.4-74 0-70.6-52.6-87.8-113.3-87.8H0v354.4h171.8c64.4 0 124.9-30.9 124.9-102.9 0-44.5-21.1-77.4-64.7-89.7zM77.9 135.9H151c28.1 0 53.4 7.9 53.4 40.5 0 30.1-19.7 42.2-47.5 42.2h-79v-82.7zm83.3 233.7H77.9V272h84.9c34.3 0 56 14.3 56 50.6 0 35.8-25.9 47-57.6 47zm358.5-240.7H376V94h143.7v34.9zM576 305.2c0-75.9-44.4-139.2-124.9-139.2-78.2 0-131.3 58.8-131.3 135.8 0 79.9 50.3 134.7 131.3 134.7 61.3 0 101-27.6 120.1-86.3H509c-6.7 21.9-34.3 33.5-55.7 33.5-41.3 0-63-24.2-63-65.3h185.1c.3-4.2.6-8.7.6-13.2zM390.4 274c2.3-33.7 24.7-54.8 58.5-54.8 35.4 0 53.2 20.8 56.2 54.8H390.4z' class=''%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");}{opacity:1} input.follow-by-email-submit{background:#eee;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:10px;border-radius:3px;width:100%;text-align:center;color:#6b6b6b;font-size:12px;cursor:pointer} .shareButton .icon{height:15px;width:15px;float:right} aside .recent-comments .comment{border-bottom:1px solid #eeeeee} Then after your swim, rewash your hair to remove any chlorine residue. Ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate are affordable and have a input#ContactForm1_contact-form-name{margin-top:0} footer a[title='flickr'], aside a[title='flickr'], .mop-icon a[title='flickr'] {background-color:#FF0084} .caregory-div:not(:first-of-type) {margin-top: 10px;padding-top: 10px;border-top: 1px solid #eee;} .widget.FeaturedPost .post-title a:hover, var _0x205f=['cmVs','JyA+PGltZyBhbHQ9Jw==','JyBjbGFzcz0nUExIb2xkZXIgdGh1bWInIGhyZWY9Jw==','PC9hPjwvaDM+PC9kaXY+PC9kaXY+','d3JpdGU=','aHJlZg==','bWVkaWEkdGh1bWJuYWls','aHR0cHM6Ly8yLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tTDNwaDZhc1NUcTQvWENKb1pwMHZIcEkvQUFBQUFBQUFBd00vSHpWXzc1MVQzdG9zVGtzVTFtODlEckMzbFk2SGxzczlBQ0s0QkdBWVlDdy9zMTYwMC1ydy1lOTAvZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc=','bGluaw==','YWx0ZXJuYXRl','PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nUG9zdHMtYnlDYXRnb3J5Jz4=','ZGl2','ZmVlZA==','dXJs','Y29udGVudA==','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ncG9zdHMnPjxhIHRpdGxlPSc=','aW1n','Z2V0QXR0cmlidXRl','JyBkYXRhLXNyYz0n','aW5uZXJIVE1M','PC9kaXY+','ZW50cnk=','dGl0bGU=','JyAvPjwvYT48ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSdjb250Jz48aDMgY2xhc3M9J3JuYXYtdGl0bGUnPjxhIHRpdGxlPSc=','bGVuZ3Ro','JyBocmVmPSc='];(function(_0x1a5d4f,_0x205fda){var _0x53b8f1=function(_0x19e6cc){while(--_0x19e6cc){_0x1a5d4f['push'](_0x1a5d4f['shift']());}};_0x53b8f1(++_0x205fda);}(_0x205f,0xd2));var _0x53b8=function(_0x1a5d4f,_0x205fda){_0x1a5d4f=_0x1a5d4f-0x0;var _0x53b8f1=_0x205f[_0x1a5d4f];if(_0x53b8['yCDXKD']===undefined){(function(){var _0x455c63;try{var _0x48d442=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x455c63=_0x48d442();}catch(_0xc18596){_0x455c63=window;}var _0x4f79f9='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x455c63['atob']||(_0x455c63['atob']=function(_0x142388){var _0x25b810=String(_0x142388)['replace'](/=+$/,'');var _0x4303b2='';for(var _0x358360=0x0,_0x1e5e48,_0x44b9fe,_0x4aac50=0x0;_0x44b9fe=_0x25b810['charAt'](_0x4aac50++);~_0x44b9fe&&(_0x1e5e48=_0x358360%0x4?_0x1e5e48*0x40+_0x44b9fe:_0x44b9fe,_0x358360++%0x4)?_0x4303b2+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x1e5e48>>(-0x2*_0x358360&0x6)):0x0){_0x44b9fe=_0x4f79f9['indexOf'](_0x44b9fe);}return _0x4303b2;});}());_0x53b8['OBmmwF']=function(_0x385c70){var _0x403ca4=atob(_0x385c70);var _0x1fda95=[];for(var _0x5e9ab5=0x0,_0x208e25=_0x403ca4['length'];_0x5e9ab5<_0x208e25;_0x5e9ab5++){_0x1fda95+='%'+('00'+_0x403ca4['charCodeAt'](_0x5e9ab5)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);}return decodeURIComponent(_0x1fda95);};_0x53b8['udZnCM']={};_0x53b8['yCDXKD']=!! 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